On, verbiage!

January 21, 2006

Vermont, ho!

Word has come down from on high, as of February 24th, I'm to be done with Asheboro, NC and pointing my nose north to St. Albans, VT. I have a week in between, and I'm torn between planning a grand road trip adventure (DC to Philly to Vermont, Cincinati to Cleveland to Rochester to Vermont, etc. etc.) or simply bombing straight up to Vermont and vegetating before starting another 8 month stint. The EECaP human resource liaison sent me the website for the apartment I'll be staying in. It's a small building with four studio apartments, and while I don't relish the idea of spending 8 months in one room, I'm excited about the hard wood floors, the spare elegance of the apartments, and the prospect of being anywhere other than Asheboro. I kind of have my heart set on apartment #3 (as shown), but that seems silly considering #2 and #4 are pretty much identical. Interestingly enough, while surfing the Chamber of Commerce website looking for coffee shops and bookstores, I was scrolling through a depressingly long list of CPA's and lawyers. For this reason, seeing a listing for RAVE! Nightclub made me smile. I smiled, that is, until I noticed that RAVE! has the same street address listed as my apartment building. (sigh) That explains why the exterior shots of the building don't show the ground floor.


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